Jesplay Studios S.L. 应用

Networking Centro Empresas NCE 1.011
A Empresarios y Autónomos que quieren `HACERCRECER SU NEGOCIO´. Nuestro compromiso es que Networking CentroEmpresas, sea el referente de contacto y comunicación entreprofesionales a nivel nacional y formar parte de las 1500 Empresas(Autónomos y Pymes) seleccionadas de toda ESPAÑA, para daros laoportunidad de manera gratuita de adaptar su Empresa al móvil “alcliente”.A todos los empresarios interesados en generar nuevos contactosde confianza a los que recomendar con la creación de sinergiasinterprofesionales, esta es vuestra oportunidad.Para formar parte de esta App y que emprendedores y empresariosse conozcan y puedan generar sinergias y redes colaborativas, connuevos ingresos sin moverse de la oficina, es indispensable enviary confirmar sus datos a tu Empresa a una nueva fórmula de comunicación ycolaboración con esta magnífica App con visibilidad Internacional yfideliza nuevos clientes.-----------------------------POLÍTICA DE PRIVACIDADA través de Networking Centro Empresas no se recoge ningún datopersonal sin su conocimiento, ni se ceden a terceros.En cumplimiento de la normativa de protección de datos, leinformamos de que sus datos personales forman parte de un ficheropropiedad deJESPLAY STUDIOS S.L. y son tratados con la finalidad demantenimiento de la relación adquirida con usted.A estos efectos, la contestación al mensaje y envío delformulario o plantilla con sus datos empresariales de contacto, esla aceptación y confirmación del uso de sus datos para poderutilizarla en nuestra aplicación móvil, que garantiza el plenocumplimiento de la normativa de Protección de Datos de CarácterPersonal, y así, de acuerdo con la L.O. 15/1999, el cliente ousuario queda informado y presta su consentimiento a laincorporación de sus datos a los ficheros automatizados existentesla Empresa y al tratamiento automatizado de los mismos. Puedeejercitar los derechos de acceso, rectificación, cancelación yoposición dirigiéndose por escrito a la dirección arribaindicada.El CLIENTE reconoce y acepta que el uso de los contenidos y/oservicios ofrecidos por la presente aplicación móvil será bajo suexclusivo riesgo y/o responsabilidad. El CLIENTE se compromete autilizar la presente aplicación móvil y todo su contenido yServicios de conformidad con la ley, la moral, el orden público ylas presentes Condiciones de Uso, y las Condiciones Particularesque, en su caso, le sean de aplicación. Asimismo, se comprometehacer un uso adecuado de los servicios y/o contenidos de laaplicación móvil y a no emplearlos para realizar actividadesilícitas o constitutivas de delito, que atenten contra los derechosde terceros y/o que infrinjan la regulación sobre propiedadintelectual e industrial, o cualesquiera otras normas delordenamiento jurídico aplicable.A entrepreneurs andfreelancers who want `GROW YOUR NEGOCIO'. Our commitment is thatBusiness Networking Center, is the reference point of contact andcommunication between professionals nationwide and part of 1500Firms (Self-employed and SMEs) throughout SPAIN selected to giveyou the opportunity to free your company adapt mobile "Customer".All entrepreneurs interested in generating new contacts of trustwith those who recommend the establishment of inter synergies, thisis your chance.To be part of this app and entrepreneurs and businessmen areknown and can generate synergies and collaborative networks withnew revenue without leaving the office, it is essential to send andconfirm your details your company to a new form of communication andcollaboration with this great App with international visibility andnew customer loyalty.-----------------------------PRIVACY POLICYThrough Business Networking Center any personal information isnot collected without your knowledge, or are transferred to thirdparties.In compliance with data protection regulations, we inform youthat your personal data are part of a file owned byJESPLAY STUDIOS S.L. and they are treated in order to maintain therelationship acquired with you.For this purpose, the answer to the message and sending the formor template with your business contact information, is theacceptance and confirmation of the use of your data to use in ourmobile application, which ensures full compliance ProtectionPersonal Data, and so, according to the LO 15/1999, the client oruser is informed and consents to the inclusion of their data to theautomated files Company and the automated processing thereof. Youcan exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation andopposition by writing to the above address.Customer acknowledges and agrees that use of the content and /or services offered by this mobile application is at your sole riskand / or responsibility. The CUSTOMER undertakes to use this mobileapplication and all its contents and services in accordance withthe law, morality, public order and these Terms of Use and theSpecial Conditions, if any, will apply. You agree to makeappropriate use of services and / or contents of the mobileapplication and not to use it for illegal or criminal activitieswhich violate the rights of others and / or violate the regulationson intellectual property or any other applicable legalstandards.
Conexiones Networking Empresas 1.002
¿Qué es Conexiones Net?Un proyecto de tres empresarias de Rivas que, tras haberparticipado de manera individual en grupos de Networkingprofesional, detectan la oportunidad de acercar este sistema denegocio a los empresarios del municipio, sin ánimo de lucro.Red de empresarios interesados en hacer crecer su negocio ygenerar nuevos contactos.¿A quién va dirigido?A todos los empresarios interesados en hacer crecer su negocio,ampliar su base de datos, generar nuevos contactos de confianza alos que recomendar, y por quienes ser recomendado. Emprendedores,amantes de la conectividad, las redes y la creación de sinergiasentre profesionales proactivos.Objetivos:Que Conexiones NET, sea un referente de contacto y comunicaciónentre profesionales.Un espacio sin ánimo de lucro, donde cualquier empresario puedadar a conocer su proyecto a otros profesionales.Que emprendedores y empresarios se conozcan y puedan generarsinergias y redes colaborativas.Abrir una nueva fórmula de comunicación y colaboración.Organizar talleres-eventos mensuales, donde cada uno de losmiembros, durante 45 minutos, tenga la oportunidad de mostrar susservicios u ofrecer un taller gratuito de sus conocimientos alpublico interesado, para fidelizar clientes o atraer anuevos.---------------------------------------«Las especies que sobreviven no son las más fuertes, ni las másrápidas, ni las más inteligentes; sino aquellas que se adaptanmejor al cambio». Charles Darwin...Y como vivimos tiempos de cambios, nuestra propuesta estábasada en la necesidad que tienen actualmente las empresas deconectar y colaborar con otros profesionales, con la finalidad degenerar sinergias, contactos y nuevas redes, sobre las cualesapoyarse e impulsar sus negocios.En definitiva, conectar a todo tipo de profesionales que compartenun mismo objetivo:‘Hacer crecer su negocio’What is NetConnections?A project of three businesswomen Rivas, having participatedindividually in groups of Professional Networking, detect theopportunity to bring this system of business entrepreneurs in themunicipality, non-profit.Network entrepreneurs interested in growing your business andgenerate new contacts.Who is it for?All entrepreneurs interested in growing your business, expand yourdatabase, generate new contacts confidence to those who recommend,and for whom being recommended. Entrepreneurs, lovers ofconnectivity, networking and synergies between proactiveprofessionals.Objectives:That Connects NET, is a benchmark of contact and communicationbetween professionals.A nonprofit space where any entrepreneur can make known theirproject to other professionals.That entrepreneurs and businessmen are known and can generatesynergies and collaborative networks.Open a new form of communication and collaboration.Organize workshops-monthly events, where each of the members, for45 minutes, have the opportunity to showcase their services oroffering a free workshop on their knowledge to the public interest,to retain customers or attract new ones.---------------------------------------"The species that survive are not the strongest or the fastest, northe most intelligent; but those that adapt better to change. "Charles Darwin...and As we live in times of change, our proposal is based onthe need for companies that currently connect and collaborate withother professionals, in order to create synergies, contacts and newnetworks, which support and promote their businesses.In short, connecting to all types of professionals who share acommon goal:'Grow your business'
Photocraft S6 Gallery Effects 1.03
With this application you can make the bestphotos with amazing effects and will be stored in your gallery.Photocraft 8 Gallery Effects allows you to take great picturesvery quickly and easily, using all advantages of your phone Android5.0.★★★ FEATURES ★★★● Make up to 4 continuous pictures with a single click.● Timer photos up to 30 seconds.● Focus mode (Auto, Infinity, Macro)● White balance (Auto, Incandescent, Daylight, etc.)● Exposure● Scene Modes (Action, Auto, Beach, Landscape, night, Portrait,...)● Zoom● Flash: Auto, On , Off.● Camera Effects (Negative, Emphasis, Aqua, Mono, Sepia, ...)● Easy exchange and simple to combine all purposes★ GALLERY ★- Saved Photos to share via Facebook, Twitter, Whastapp, Line,...- Photo Viewer- Grid View- Ability to removeDownload this app and done, the best photos to share withfriends and family, ...!
Selfie Dog for Pets 1.03
Draws the attention of your animal, withimages and sounds that appear on the screen to make the best selfiewith your pet.This application has an easy user interface.We'll do it in two easy steps:Slide your finger down to freeze the picture and slide yourfinger up to save.A great application for selfies!
The Witch wild hunt Halloween 1.0
Fly your broom by a series ofterrifyinghaunted endless landscapes with trees, crypts, poisonousspiders,bats, burned castles, clouds and visibility we subtractobjects andanimals of terror.The best game more difficult and addictive of all: Do not yougettired of playing.Fly through an endless landscape of terrifying fearswherehistory is endless.Tap to beat her broom to fly.Get all the potions you can, to survive in the underworld.You can view and compare your scores and achievements, getthebest scores to be number one.Try to get 34 medals: Bronze, Silver, Gold (hard).
Photo Retric Masquerade 1.3
Photo + Edition + Mask + Gallery + Share = thebest photos with amazing effects stored in your gallery.With this application you can make the best pictures withamazing effects and be saved in your gallery.Use the Mask option for photos:1. Swipe Down.2. Make a snapshot.3. Share your photos with hat with your friends and family inFacebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other social networksWatsApp.Zombie mask contains★★★ FEATURES ★★★● Make up to 4 continuous pictures with a single click.● Timer photos up to 30 seconds.● Focus mode (Auto, Infinity, Macro)● White balance (Auto, Incandescent, Daylight, etc.)● Exposure● Scene Modes (Action, Auto, Beach, Landscape, night, Portrait,...)● Zoom● Flash: Auto, On , Off.● Camera Effects (Negative, Emphasis, Aqua, Mono, Sepia, ...)● Easy exchange and simple to combine all purposes★ GALLERY ★- Saved Photos to share via Facebook, Twitter, Whastapp, Line,...- Photo Viewer- Grid View- Ability to removeDownload this app and done, the best photos to share withfriends and family, ...!
Simulator Radar Go Locator 1.03
Locate your position when you or family andfriends who are near you.It uses the latest satellite technology to locate your phoneinstantly.How does it work:1) You put the phone number2) Press Start Phone3) See Map4) Button to relocate the position locator.You can also use it as a joke on your family and friends☞ find your mobile phone or other phones that are close to you andthink you can spy.This application is recommended to seek the position of theparticular phone since I really only find your currentposition.
Tap Tap Ball Virtual Boxing 1.05
Get all the shots you can in a maximum of 10 seconds. You have tobe the fastest to get the best score possible. Very important, ifyou get more than 100 considerate touches the fastest person in theworld.
BMI Calculate vs Fat Weight 2018 3.01
Calculate your Abdominal Fat % and level of fitness you have, knowyour Healthy index values ​​according to the perimeter of yourwaistline and avoid risk factors or cardiovascular disease.Calculate your BMI (Body Mass Index) to find Your Ideal Weight withhealthier weight for your gender and what percentage of thepopulation share your corpral mass index BMI. ø figured yourAbdominal Fat %? ï will calculate your Ideal Fat % with an estimateof how many cm need to lose to have an optimal level of health andfitness to be in the ranking you deserve. ø figured your IdealWeight? ï will calculate your Ideal with an estimate of how manykilos to lose weight you need to have an optimal level of healthand be in the range of healthy BMI. Recommendations and tips inyour diet, exercise and weight make Ideal Weight BMI Fat a completeand healthy application. User friendly: ï Works with metric andimperial system, and you can toggle in one click between kilogramsor pounds and feet, inches or meters. ï results with images. Inaddition: ï Stock Information with the different types of fat foundin the abdominal area, and know the values ​​in healthy men andwomen. ï results tables, for the optimum percentage of water andmuscle mass in men and women. ï Tables, for the optimalmeasurements waist hip measurements in men and women. Important tonote: These recommendations apply to people health, are notreliable for people who work have more strength and muscle mass.There is a relationship between weight and height and thereforethey are dependent on the type of complexion and no accountindividual factors such as musculature. This application has beendeveloped by Jesplay Studios SL.
Diets Plan Fat Weight Calories 3.1
We can consider it as the mostcomprehensiveNutrition Application exists.Plan your Diet Journal Calculating Caloric Expenditure toachieveyour goals and have the Ideal Weight.Very easy to use and very complete in just 3 steps.1º Set up your user to track the Body Weight and BMI.2º Calculate your Caloric Expenditure Journal, your BMR,orDeportivo Objectives and Physical Work.3º Choose Kcal diet that best suits your goals andCaloricExpenditure.OBJECTIVESï custom targets based on your profile, age, sex, caloricintake,level of activity, type and intensity of exercise, etc.You will have the best advice, Calorie Chart, Food andadviseddeprecated in Pathology.This App was created for those who wantlose WeightTop WeightLose Fatwinning Musclemaintenance.....but above all have a Healthy Eating and own some expert tipsandadvice on nutrition.Key Features:ï Range diet plans most nutritional categoriesFood List ï spent by each diet planï Modification Options diets and meals to the tastes of theusersin relation to the orientation of your diet planï Calorie and Nutrition TablesExamples ï Healthy Dietsï Intuitive and elegant userï functions as your Personal Dietitian and Nutritionist.Diet categories include:ï Diets by Kcalï All are healthy dietsï Diets for Breakfastï Diets for Lunchï Diets for Foodï Diets for Snackï Diets for Dinnerï Fees for late night snackThe recipes shown in the application are to be used as a guide andahelp to have a Healthy Eating.information:The BMR is the daily energy expenditure at rest, to performthefunctions of the body.Represents 60-75% of daily energy expenditure.Important to note:These recommendations apply to people health, are notreliablefor people who work have more strength and musclemass.They are dependent on the type of complexion.The equations for calculating the recommendation of daily intakeofcalories are from Harris-Benedict reviewed by Roza andShizgal1984.This application has been developed by Jesplay Studios SL.
Calorie Counter Fat Weight 3.01
With Kcal Calorie Counter IdealWeightMetabolism you will calculate how many calories you need aday andyou spend during the year to achieve your goals:ï Losing Weightï Up Weightï Lose Fatï Maintain Weightï Winning Muscleø you know your ideal weight? ø you know how many caloriesyouconsume per day? ø And how many calories you need to achieveyourgoals?ï Calculate your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) to find YourIdealWeight and outcome of the Body Mass Index (BMI). ï Calculate energy expenditure during exercise labor activityandknow how many calories you should consume daily.ï Calculate the energy cost of exercise to calculatetotalcalories needed per day.ï will calculate your Ideal Weight, and Power caloricexpenditureto achieve the objectives and obtain an optimal levelof health.ï tips and advice on your diet, exercise and weight willmakeMetabolism Calorie Counter Weight a complete andhealthyapplication.OBJECTIVESObjectives ï customized based on your profile; age,gender,caloric intake, level of activity, type and intensity ofexercise,etc.Easy to use application:ï Works with metric tailored for men and women.ï results with graphic images.In addition:ï results with graphics boards for optimal water percentageandmuscle mass in men and women.ï graphic Tables, for the optimal measurements waisthipmeasurements in men and women.ï Tables, for the optimal measurements waist hip measurementsinmen and women.information:The BMR is the daily energy expenditure at rest, to performthefunctions of the body.Represents 60-75% of daily energy expenditure.Important to note:These recommendations apply to people health, are notreliablefor people who work have more strength and musclemass.They are dependent on the type of complexion.The equations for calculating the recommendation of daily intakeofcalories are from Harris-Benedict reviewed by Roza andShizgal1984.This App has been developed by Jesplay Studios SL.
Wiki Games Guide Play Geometry 1.001
See the 150 best Android games. Shareanddownload your favorite games.WikiGames GAMER is the community of Android games where thebestgames of unknown source and most popular sources will haveacomplete analysis and news and advice.We want our users and followers to choose the 150 best gamesforAndroid, so we will be updating and adding games to getourchallenge.We are a team who breathe Gamer Android and want to giveyourreaders worldwide USA, UK, Germany, Spain, France, Italy,Turkeyand Brazil a new vision of the best games for yourmobiledevice.The # 1 application of games, news and reviews on videogameswith a cool, cover, simple and elegant interface.Our mission: to help you enjoy the best game on Android.Unknowngames, with less visibility but real developers and withgreatpotential to help you choose the game you need.We present descriptions of the best games, newest far foryourdownloads before ye informéis on treating each.- Visual: In a dynamic graphical format.- Complete: Enjoy the best games and participate in Facebook,tochoose our 150 best Android games.- Personal: Choose only games that are interesting anddownloadthose that provide what you need.Available for all countries: Spain, Latin America, UnitedStates,United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, France andInternational.-------------------------------------------------- -----"WikiGames World of Gamer, application to keep up witheverythingrelated to Android games."Share and download your favorite games.Facebook - World of Gamer stems from the need to offer totheowners of mobile phones with the Android operating system, aseriesof reviews of games that are scheduled for this platform aswell asa personal vision for you to download the best games and maybeable share.The comment system is available through Facebook so that youmaybe able comenteis and debate will also be well receivedcriticism(constructive and non-constructive) and suggestions, forit can useGoogle Scoring Form.
Illusion Optical Visions 1.0
Optical illusions and brain games intheability of the eyes to capture moving images.These different perspectives are captured in such a way bythebrain, which seems to be an image in movements.Instructions:TECHNIQUE ONE: look at the image without focusing theviewanywhere. After a while, you begin to "feel" thatsomethinghappens. The image will begin to move, when you noticethat thishappens, stay relaxed and continue doing the same.Your eyes will do the rest of the work.TECHNIQUE DOS: Put a few centimeters of the image. Let youreyesget used to seeing the image from close up.Then without allowing the focus to move slowly until you reachalength of your arms stretched from your eyes to the image,relaxand you will get to see it, if you do not repeat it again.
Visual 3D Optical Illusion 1.0
Optical illusions and brain games intheability of the eyes to capture images in 3 dimensions.I present optical illusions called "Stereograms", is anopticalillusion based on the ability of the eyes to capture imagesfromdifferent points of view.These different perspectives are captured in such a way bythebrain, which seems to be a three-dimensional image.Instructions:TECHNIQUE ONE: look at the image without focusing theviewanywhere. After a while, you begin to "feel" thatsomethinghappens. The image will begin to change, when you noticethat thishappens, stay relaxed and continue doing the same.Your eyes will do the rest of the work. First you will see onlypartof the image. Continue the same and you will observe how therestemerges in an amazing way.TECHNIQUE DOS: Put a few centimeters of the image. Let youreyesget used to seeing the image from close up.Then without allowing the focus to move slowly until you reachalength of your arms stretched from your eyes to the image,relaxand you will get to see it, if you do not repeat it again.TECHNIQUE THREE: This is the so-called "visionthrough"method.It is achieved by focusing the look beyond the two-dimensionalimageso that it is crossed, as if you wanted to see somethingthrough theimage.Imagine that behind the image there is an object in thedistanceand focus your eyes to try to see it if you hold that wayfor a fewseconds you will get to see the image.
Wifi Jio Pass Hacker Simulator 1.0
Analyze the WiFi networks and if thepasswordof the network is the one that comes by default you will beable toconnect with this updated Wifi network key tool.Recover your keys for Wifi networks
Wifi Pass Hacker Simulated Jio 1.01
Analyze the WiFi networks and if thepasswordof the network is the one that comes by default you will beable toconnect with this updated Wifi network key tool.Recover your keys for Wifi networks